Your Needs

Experienced Homebuyer

a man sits at a table with his hands folded in front of a laptop

When you know the basics
but want great service, too.

As an experienced homebuyer, you already have the confidence to make decisions and manage your emotions through the highs and lows of the house hunting and buying process. You know about down payments, interest rates, and the importance of having a descent credit score.

Although your knowledge will guide you around most common mistakes made by first-timers, you will still want the mortgage experts on your side to help you make the right decisions for your current financial situation. They say “practice makes perfect”, but that’s not necessarily true with the ever-changing mortgage market. A lot may have changed since the last time you bought a home. That’s where we come in.

Your Loan Officer will help you weigh your options and decide which loan type best fits your financial needs now and in the future. It will truly be a custom-made mortgage.

Not every homebuying experience is the same. You might discover some major repairs in your final walk-through that may delay your closing date. Your Loan Officer will ensure everything on your end of the deal is on track. 

Consider us your co-pilot.


“I bought my first house by myself. I thought of it more as an investment than a place I’d care about the color of the walls. Then I got married. Suddenly the color of the walls became the most important thing about the house. She made my house a home. I can’t claim to like the colors very much which is one reason I don’t mind moving. I’ll no longer have to live with it, and I don’t have to admit it! Now that we're looking for a new home, she has a lot more on her wish list. And I still want to make the right investment."


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We’ve created these guides to be a valuable resource to walk you step-by-step through your next adventure.

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Our easy digital application walks you through every step of the process in terms you can actually understand. Plus, we’re always a phone call away if you get stuck.

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